= pynifti and dependencies (pymvpa and nifticlib) =

== Description ==

The PyNIfTI module is a Python interface to the NIfTI I/O libraries. Using PyNIfTI, one can easily read and write NIfTI and ANALYZE images from within Python. The NiftiImage class provides pythonic access to the full header information and for a maximum of interoperability the image data is made available via NumPy arrays.

PyMVPA is a Python module intended to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets. In the neuroimaging contexts such analysis techniques are also known as decoding or MVPA analysis. PyMVPA provides high-level abstraction of typical processing steps and a number of implementations of some popular algorithms. While it is not limited to the neuroimaging domain, it is eminently suited for such datasets. PyMVPA is truly free software (in every respect) and additionally requires nothing but free-software to run.

== License ==

Pynifti is under the MIT license.  The nifticlib library is under the public domain.  Pymvpa is under the MIT license.

== SPKG Maintainers ==

Marshall Hampton

== Upstream Contact ==

Dr. Michael Hanke, email: michael.hanke@ovgu.de

== Dependencies ==


=== pynifti-p0 (Marshall Hampton, August 6th, 2009) ===

Created a first attempt, using pynifti-0.20090303.1, niftclib-1.1.0, and pymvpa-0.4.2.