= CHomP =

== Description ==

CHomP stands for "Computational Homology Project," and it is a
collection of software for homology computation.  It includes both
command-line functions and a C++ library.

Website: http://chomp.rutgers.edu

== License ==

The CHomP software is licensed under version 2 of the GNU GPL.

== SPKG Maintainers ==

 * John Palmieri

== Upstream Contact ==

 * Pawel Pilarczyk is one of the main authors and maintainers, http://www.pawelpilarczyk.com/

== Dependencies ==

 * None

== Special Update/Build Instructions ==

 * According to the web page
   http://chomp.rutgers.edu/advanced/compile.php, we are supposed to
   use GNU make, version 3.77 or higher.

 * According to the web page
   http://chomp.rutgers.edu/advanced/compile.php, avoid using
   "make -j..."

=== Patches ===

Run spkg-src to delete unnecssary stuff.

== Changelog ==

=== chomp-20130518.p1 (John Palmieri, July 9, 2013) ===
  * Minor cleanup of spkg.

=== chomp-20130518.p0 (Volker Braun, May 29, 2013) ===
  * Trac #14076: updated to latest upstream version
  * Add spkg-src

=== chomp-20100213.p2 (John Palmieri, Nov 18, 2010) ===
  * add "sun" as a make target
  * patch src/include/capd/capd/operatingSystemSetting.h so that it
    builds on Solaris on x86: the automatic OS detection doesn't
    expect Solaris on anything except a sparc.  In particular, it
    tests for Solaris by seeing if "__sparc__" is defined, whereas it
    should test whether "sun" is defined.
  * don't check the version of make: Sage already requires GNU make.
  * add compiler flag "-m64" if SAGE64 is set.
  * set appropriate compiler flags for different platforms.
  * document the requirement that "make -j..." not be used.

=== chomp-20100213.p1 (Volker Braun, Feb 26, 2010) ===
  * patch src/include/chomp/multiwork/mwdata.h so it builds on Fedora 12

=== chomp-20100213.p0 (John Palmieri, Feb 19, 2010) ===
  * remove a bunch of programs from the makefile: Sage doesn't use
    them, so don't build them.  (This saves time, and also building
    some of the 'extra' programs fails on Solaris.)

=== chomp-20100213 (John Palmieri, Feb 16, 2010) ===
  * initial version